New Believers

For New Believers - What Now? 

If you have just become a follower of Jesus, congratulations! You have begun the most important journey of your life!  Here are some resources to help you begin on your journey. There are certain things you should know and do as you begin your journey as a Christian.

4 Steps to Growing in Your Relationship With Christ:

1) Listen to God: Read His Word 
Reading your Bible daily is very important. Through the Bible God reveals His character and His will. He teaches us what is true and helps us to realize the things that need changing in our lives. Through His word God shows us how to make those changes and learn to live righteously. God reveals through His word how wonderful He is, what wonderful things He has done for us, what He is going to do for us, and what He wants us to do for Him. (Psalm 119:9, 11)

A good Bible for new Christians is the NIV, it's a more modern version. A pastor or someone in a local Christian bookstore can also be of help to recommend one. If you are just getting acquainted with the Bible, a good place to start would be the gospel of John.

As you read don't go too fast, begin with a chapter a day. As you read take time to meditate on what it says, to see all that God has for you in today's passage.

Find a Bible Reading Plan
How To Study The Bible
Picking a Bible
How To Get A Free Bible

2) Talking to God: Praying
Prayer is how we talk to God, our heavenly Father wants the best for us, and wants to help in every way possible. Prayer is sharing your thoughts, your needs, your desire to do His will. It is a time to praise God, thank Him, admit to Him things you've done or said or thought for which you are sorry. It's a time to pray for your family, friends, neighbors, anyone that has needs both physical and spiritual. It's also a time to pray for yourself, for His guidance, strength, comfort, peace, joy, to ask Him to help us in any problem we have, and ask Him to give us opportunities to serve Him.

A suggestion is to keep a prayer journal, to record your prayer requests, and to keep up with those you are praying for. Remember you can pray anytime, anywhere, about anything. Your loving heavenly Father is always there to listen. (1 John 5:14-15)

Prayer Basics

3) Fellowship: Connecting with other Christians
It's important to spend time with other Christians. We can share our Christian experience with others who love God and likewise allow them to share with us. God appoints the church as a place for us to meet other Christians, to learn about God, through Bible studies, prayer meetings, singing and praising as one body.  If you need help in finding a local church we would be happy to assist.

How to Find a Church
Christian Denominations (What's the difference)
What Does The Bible Say About Church Attendance

4) Witness for Christ: Living a better life
As a Christian witness you share with others who don't know Jesus Christ as their personal savior, and what it means to personally trust Him with his or her personal life.  Your life as a Christian is a key part of being a Christian witness. Your habits, lifestyle and conduct is the greatest testimony you have (Matthew 5:16).  As a Christian witness you are also provided with a power beyond yourself, the Holy Spirit, God is able to witness through you. (Acts 1:8)

You have heard the message of the gospel, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You believed (had faith) that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and paid for our sins on a cross. You have repented, turned away from your sins and asked forgiveness. You have turned to Jesus Christ and ask Him into your heart. The next step as a Christian is Baptism. In Titus 3:5, Christ saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of our sins through rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is a public sign that you have now put your faith in Christ and taking an open stand for Him, and that Jesus Christ has now washed away all your sins. (Romans 6:3-5)

Secrets to Spiritual Growth, Part 1 by Greg Laurie

Secrets to Spiritual Growth, Part 2 by Greg Laurie

Secrets to Spiritual Growth, Part 3 by Greg Laurie


Here's a free, online discipleship program - Jesus Walk

How To Develop A Personal Devotional Life - Spending Time with God